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Table 4 Characteristics associated with reasons for not undergoing surgery (due to affordability, accessibility and fear/no trust, respectively), using univariate logistic regression. The reference group consisted of individuals who underwent surgery

From: Barriers to surgical care in Nepal

Characteristics associated with not having surgery






Fear/no trust


Study group 1a


Study group 2a


Study group 3a


Household characteristics b

Crude Odds Ratioc (CI)


Crude Odds Ratioc (CI)


Crude Odds Ratioc (CI)


Rural village type


2.59 (1.03–6.54)



Travel time to secondary health facility (hours)


1.17 (1.07–1.27)



Cost for tertiary transport


1.22 (1.03–1.43)



Travel time to tertiary health facility (hours)


1.09 (1.03–1.15)



Individual characteristics b


Female gender


3.54 (1.54–8.15)









5.77 (2.14–15.58)


2.72 (1.14–6.49)




2.24 (0.77–6.53)


0.88 (0.32–2.41)



Secondary or higher





  1. aFor the dependent variables, the reference group had the value ‘0’, while the study groups had the value ‘1’;
  2. bCharacteristics that were tested, but did not show any significant results with either of the study groups, were ‘Number of household members’, ‘Motorised transport to secondary health facility’, ‘Cost for secondary transport’, ‘Waiting time for (secondary) transport’, ‘Motorised transport to tertiary health facility’, ‘Waiting time for (tertiary) transport’, and ‘Age’. Non-Motorised transport includes bicycle, animal and on foot, opposed to motorised transport (public and private motorised transport). Ethnicity was not included in the analyses due to the relatively large number of groups. Occupation was not included since it represents socio-economic status, similar to education. Availability of transport money was not included due to the relatively large size of the group ‘not applicable’;
  3. cOnly statistically significant odds ratios are presented in the table