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Table 2 Qualitative data collection

From: Improving safety in care homes: protocol for evaluation of the Walsall and Wolverhampton care home improvement programme

Type of data

Data source

Detail of data to be collected

Time point(s)

Non-participant observation of training sessions

Observation, training sessions

•Observation of the training and care home-based sessions will allow recording of content and delivery of training, length of sessions, number of attendees. Also, identification of possible issues for follow-up in semi-structured interviews in the case study care homes

Each session

Non-participant observation of care home-based sessions

Observation, care home-based sessions

A selected number of sessions throughout the programme (approximately 30% of the total)

Documentary analysis

Patient Safety Collaborative Programme Board

•All documents relating to the programme will be analysed to provide information about programme planning, content and delivery

Throughout the programme

Focus groups

Care home staff participating in the programme (2 groups of 6–8 staff at each time point)

•What has been learned by participation in the programme, how learning has been applied to individuals’ practice, barriers and facilitators to implementing change in the care home, perceptions of best/worst features of the programme, suggestions for improvement

6, 12 and 18 months

Semi-structured interviews

CCG managers and programme facilitators (n = 6)

•Experience of running the programme, perceived barriers to safety-related change in care homes, best/worst features of the programme, suggestions for improvement

Months 6, 12 and 24

Semi-structured interviews in four case study care homes

Staff and care home managers (participants and non-participants in the programme) (n = 6 to 8 in each of the four case study sites at each time point)

•What has been learned, how learning has been applied to individuals’ practice, barriers and facilitators to implementing change in the care home, changes made to safety-related processes at the care home level, extent and type of collaboration across care homes

12 and 24 months