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Table 5 Pooling Architecture

From: State budget transfers to Health Insurance to expand coverage to people outside formal sector work in Latin America


Single/multiple pool (s) for different population groups

Sub-pools at sub-national levels

Integrated/separate fund for the subsidized

Type of membership of the non-subsidizeda



For the formal sector employees: 9 different social health insurance schemes [78]

For the subsidized: SUMI et SSPAM, and since December 2013the “Integrated Health Service of the Plurinational State” Government Program [52, 70]

Sub-pools at the municipal levels [70]

Separate scheme for the subsidized




Fondo Nacional de la Salud, FONASA for 80% of the population [31]

7 private Health Insurance Institutions (Instituciones de Salud Previsional, ISAPREs) for 16% of the population that opted out [27]

Regional health entity pools that determine the budget for all public health care providers in their area [71]

Integrated: Subsidized, semi-contributive and contributory regimes form FONASA

Mandatory [71]



Solidarity and Guarantee Fund (Fondo de Solidaridad y Garantía, FOSYGA) at national level, with two separate accounts:

1) Contributory scheme (Regimen Contributivo)

2) Subsidized scheme (Regimen Subsidiado)

FOSYGA also operates as a cross-subsidization mechanism between the contributory and subsidized scheme 21

Multiple competing purchaser structure with a twofold fragmentation: From national to municipal level and from the municipalities to the purchasers (both risk-adjusted) [79]

Separate scheme, but receives 64% of FOSYGA funds (including 1.5% of revenues from formal sector contributions as cross-subsidization) [21]

Mandatory [80]

Costa Rica

Single [27]

No sub-pools

Integrated into the National Insurance Fund

Mandatory [75]; Voluntary for self-employed [46]

Dominican Republic


Contributory scheme

Subsidized scheme 32

“Catastrophic illnesses fund” for the subsidized (Fondo para enfermedades catastróficas) [81]

No sub-pools

Separate scheme for the subsidized

Mandatory [32]



“Mexican Social Security Institute” (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, IMSS) for the formal sector;

“Institute for Social Security and Services for Government employees” (Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado, ISSSTE) [27]

“Seguro Popular”, which consists of 3 pools

- Fund for Allocations of Health Services (Fondo de Aportaciones para los Servicios de Salud, FASSA),

- Fund for Protection against Catastrophic Expenses (Fondo para la Protección contra Gastos Catastróficos, FPGC),

- Medical Insurance for a New Generation (Seguro Médico para una Nueva Generación, SMNG) [36]

State level sub-pools [36]

Separate scheme for the subsidized




Social Health Insurance (Seguro Social de Salud, EsSalud) for formal sector workers,

Separate funds for the Armed Forces and the National Police respectively,

Seguro Integral de Salud, SIS for the subsidized regime and the semi-contributive regime and “Intangible Solidarity Fund for Health” (Fondo Intangible Solidario de Salud, FISSAL) for catastrophic diseases of the subsidized [34]

No sub-pools

Separate scheme for the subsidized

Mandatory for formal sector employees; voluntary for self-employed [34]



“National Health Fund” (Fondo Nacional de Salud, FONASA)

A separate fund for the Armed Forces (Sanidad Militar) and the National Police (Sanidad Policial) respectively [68]

No sub-pools

Integrated into FONASA

Mandatory for formal sector workers [68]

  1. aThis usually includes formal sector employees and pensioners as well as the self-employed paying income tax