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Table 1 Effect of preferences on accrual and withdrawal in healthcare setting studies reporting reasons for non-participation

From: Randomised trials comparing different healthcare settings: an exploratory review of the impact of pre-trial preferences on participation, and discussion of other methodological challenges

  1. Key:
  2. Grey-shaded studies used a patient preference design, all other studies used randomisation only
  3. Numbers in brackets are % of the potentially eligible patients
  4. aItalicised settings are those available outside of the trial (where information to assess this is reported)
  5. bMay be an underestimate of patients actually eligible as ‘clinicians were reluctant to refer patients to the trial’
  6. cTrials stopped early
  7. dPatients ‘registered in the chemotherapy in the home program’
  8. (X) Cross-over trial
  9. LMWH low-molecular-weight heparin (subcutaneous)
  10. SH standard heparin (intravenous)