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Table 1 Social factor measures

From: A mixed methods study to examine the influence of the neighborhood social context on adolescent health service utilization

Social factor indicator

Component items

Adult social support

 Caring male adult at home

There is a male presently in your home who:


 - expects you to follow the rules.


 - believes that you will be successful.


 - you can turn to when you have a problem.


 - listens to you when you have something to say. 12

 Caring female at home

There is a male presently in your home who:


 - expects you to follow the rules.


 - believes that you will be successful.


 - you can turn to when you have a problem.


 - listens to you when you have something to say.

 Caring adult at school

Has there been a teacher or some other adult in your school who


 - really cared about you.


 - told you when you do a good job.


 - noticed when you were not there.


 - always wanted you to do your best.


 - listened to you when you had something to say.


 - who believed that you would be successful.


Responses: Never True (0) Sometimes True (1) Often True (2) Always True (3); Range: 0-12

Peer social support


 Social support

I have at least one friend:


 - that I can trust.


 - who would lend me money if I needed it.


 - I can talk to about family problems or real personal problems.


 - that I find it easy to talk to about sex.


 - I would turn to if I were in trouble.


 - who accepts me for who I really am.


Response Options: Agree a lot (0) Agree a little (1) Disagree a little (2)

Disagree a lot (3); Range: 0-18

Neighborhood social factors


 Sense of belonging

 - I feel connected to most people in this neighborhood.


 - I know most of the people in this neighborhood.


 - I feel like I am part of a community in this neighborhood.


Response Options: Agree a lot (0) Agree a little (1) Disagree a little (2) Disagree a lot (3); Range: 0-18

 Perceived fear

How afraid are you:


 - of being attacked or robbed when you are out with other people in your neighborhood at night?


 - of being attacked or robbed when you are out alone in your neighborhood at night?


 - when you are on the street in your neighborhood during the day?


 - in your neighborhood when you are on your way to school or work?


 - when you are at school or work?


 - when you are at home in your house or apartment?


Response Options: Not at all (0) A little (1) Somewhat (2) Very fearful (3); Range 0–18

 Witnessing community violence

In the past 12 months, how often:


 - did you hear guns being shot in your neighborhood?


 - did you see somebody get arrested in your neighborhood?


 - did you see drug deals in your neighborhood?


 - did you see gangs in your neighborhood?


 - did you see someone being beaten up in your neighborhood?


 - was your house broken into?


 - did you see somebody in your neighborhood pull a gun, knife, or other weapon on another person?


 - did you see someone get killed in your neighborhood?


Response Options: Never (0) – Once or more (1); Range 0–8