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Table 4 Types of policy dialogues conducted in Cabo Verde, Guinea, Liberia, Togo and Chad

From: The role of power in health policy dialogues: lessons from African countries

Areas of support

Examples of policy dialogues

Development and implementation of robust national health policies, strategies and plans; increased coverage with essential health services; financial risk protection; and health equity

• Health sector investment and recovery plans in Liberia and Guinea

• Development of the national health policies, strategies and plans in Mali, Togo and Cabo Verde

• Evidence-based planning (resource mapping, comprehensive health situation analysis) in Liberia and Guinea

• Strengthened sub-national capacity for planning, for example through developing inclusive operational plans, for example in Liberia and Guinea

Improvement of technical and institutional capacities, knowledge and information for adaptation by health systems and services and for related policy dialogues

• Strengthening participatory review mechanisms through joint annual reviews and evaluations of the national health policies, strategies and plans, for example in Guinea, Togo and Cabo Verde

Ensuring that international and national stakeholders are increasingly aligned around national health policies, strategies and plans and adhere to other aid effectiveness principles

• Conducting and ensuring continuous and sustained dialogues at national and sub-national levels in all the five countries