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Table 1 Health Integration Teams, their aims and accreditation

From: Integration of research and practice to improve public health and healthcare delivery through a collaborative 'Health Integration Team' model - a qualitative investigation

Month of accreditation

HIT title

HIT aims

July 2012

Bristol bones and joints

• Harness evidence-based practice and associated research to fill knowledge gaps

• Improve care pathways and outcomes for patients with musculoskeletal conditions

Avoiding hospital admissions

• Reduce complexity in the local urgent care system

• Optimise the productivity and efficiency of existing and new interventions

December 2012

Sexual health improvement

• Transform services to improve sexual health for the people of Bristol and the South West

Improving care in self-harm

• Examine the care pathway, and utilise knowledge, expertise and resources to achieve the highest quality evidence based patient care and treatment for people who harm themselves


• Deliver dementia-friendly communities and services based on the highest quality evidence

• Conduct world-class research to achieve the best quality of life for people and families living with dementia

Supporting healthier and inclusive neighbourhood environments

• Use science, community voices and innovation to establish Bristol as a healthy city

• Reduce health inequities

• Closely align city development with health, well-being, social inclusion and green city aspirations

Respiratory infections

• Improve the management of patients at every stage of their illness and care

• Use NHS resources as efficiently as possible

Retinal outreach, integration and research

• Implement research-driven service delivery

• Engage the patient voice, staff and commissioners in developing those services

July 2013

Child injury

• Help Bristol set the national standard for integrating prevention, care and rehabilitation across children's trauma services

Parkinson's and other movement disorders

• Develop whole system partnership working for movement disorders across the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire region

• Develop a high quality, high impact, internationally-recognised system for Parkinson's and other movement disorders

December 2013

Chronic Kidney Disease

• Improve outcomes for patients with kidney disease in the Bristol area through: prevention, patient care, education & research

Bristol network for equality in early years health and wellbeing

• Focus on antenatal care to children aged seven

• Achieve improvements in oral health, nutrition, and social and emotional wellbeing

July 2014

Active people: promoting healthy life expectancy

• Encourage the adoption of physical activity and other health behaviours among older age groups in order to improve their overall health during their later years


• Maximise the use of the resources already available to reduce substance-related harm

Integrated pain management

• Improvements in performance, productivity and efficiency by ensuring that our research programmes and expertise in the management of chronic pain are integrated into care

Bristol immunisation group

• Develop an outstanding immunisation service

• Lead research on immunisation development and provision, responsive to vaccine preventable infectious disease outbreaks

• Use innovative technology to enable people to be better informed regarding their own (and their children's) vaccinations

Psychological therapies in primary care

• Improve uptake of, access to, and outcomes for effective psychological therapies

Improving perinatal mental health

• Improve the identification and subsequent care of parents with poor mental health before and following the birth of their child

July 2015 (Expressions of interest)

Cancer, Chronic eye conditions, Psychosis, Eating disorders