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Table 3 Analytical features of professional bureaucracy/divisionalized form and empirical evidence of the divisionalized professional bureaucracy

From: Hybrid management, organizational configuration, and medical professionalism: evidence from the establishment of a clinical directorate in Portugal


Professional bureaucracy

CD as a divisionalized professional bureaucracy

Divisionalized form

Key coordinating mechanism

Standardization of skills

Standardization of skills and outputs

Standardization of outputs

Key part of organization

Operating core

Middle line controlled by the operating core

Middle line

Support staff

Elaborated to support professionals

Split between headquarters and divisions to support professionals

Split between headquarters and divisions



Balkanized professionalism


Formalization of behaviour

Little formalization

High formalization

High formalization

Planning and control systems

Little planning and control

High performance control

High performance control

Flows of decision making


Top-down (with autonomy)

Top-down (with autonomy)

  1. Adapted from Mintzberg [17, 18]