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Table 6 Characteristics of studies addressing question 2

From: Effectiveness, cost effectiveness, acceptability and implementation barriers/enablers of chronic kidney disease management programs for Indigenous people in Australia, New Zealand and Canada: a systematic review of mixed evidence



Study design


Intervention and comparator



Outcomes measured

Gador-Whyte et al. (2014) [31]

Cost of Best practice care

To estimate, from a remote ACCHS perspective, the cost of completing best practice chronic care tasks for patients with type 2 diabetes and/or CKD.

Partial economic evaluation/costing study.

Australia, remote area; ACCHS in unnamed Central Australian Aboriginal community.

Best practice care for patients with diabetes and/or CKD.

Usual care delivery for patients with diabetes and/or CKD in that particular ACCHS setting

Patients: 205 Aboriginal patients: 74 had diabetes, 86 had CKD and 45 had both.

Costs: annual costs (total and per patient) of managing CKD and diabetes in 2009–2010 and projected annual costs using optimal PHC management; difference in these actual and projected costs.

ACCHS staff: 4 AHWs, 3 nurses, 1 GP, 1 educator, 1 exercise physiologist.

Conducted 2010–2011.

Baker et al. (2005) [30]

Menzies Renal Treatment Program

To assess, from a government health service perspective, if the MRTP reduced the costs of treating ESKD through improved clinical outcomes.

Economic evaluation.

Australia, remote area; ACCHS on Tiwi Islands, 80 km north of Darwin.

Program to modify kidney and cardiovascular disease. Antihypertensives and health education offered.

Usual Care

Intervention group: 258 Aboriginal patients with hypertension and/or CKD.

Health outcomes: Dialysis starts and dialysis person-years avoided.

Comparator group: 229 Aboriginal patients in a historical control group (1992–1995).

Costs: MRTP delivery costs; ESKD treatment costs; total cost.

Conducted 1995–2000.

Net cost of the program/savings compared to usual care.

Measured at 3 and 4.7 years.