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Table 1 Sample characteristics

From: The association between medically unexplained physical symptoms and health care use over two years and the influence of depressive and anxiety disorders and personality traits: a longitudinal study



One year follow-up

Two year follow-up



 Females, number (%)

1979 (66.4)


 Age in years, mean (SD)

41.9 (13.1)


Level of education, number (%)



199 (6.7)



1736 (58.2)



1046 (35.1)


Number of chronic diseases, mean (SD)

0.6 (0.9)


Married or with partner, number (%)

2066 (69.3)


MUPS (4DSQ somatisation scale)


 Total score (0–32), mean (SD)

10.0 (7.1)

8.6 (6.7)

8.1 (6.3)

 Dichotomized: number with MUPS (≥11) (%)

1237 (42.0)

806 (27.0)

741 (24.9)

Health Care Use (TIC-P)


 Total number of medical services (0–12), mean (SD)

2.4 (1.5)

2.5 (1.6)

2.9 (1.8)

  Mental health care services

0.6 (0.8)

0.5 (0.8)

0.6 (0.9)

  Somatic health care services

1.2 (0.7)

1.4 (0.8)

1.4 (0.9)

  Miscellaneous health care services

0.6 (0.8)

0.7 (0.8)

0.8 (0.9)

 Total number of contacts with medical services, median (IQR)

7.0 (14.0)

9.0 (19.0)

12.0 (28.0)

  Mental health care contacts

0.0 (5.0)

0.0 (5.0)

0.0 (8.0)

  Somatic health care contacts

3.0 (4.0)

4.0 (4.0)

3.0 (5.0)

  Miscellaneous health care contacts

0.0 (5.0)

0.0 (6.0)

2.0 (14.0)

Depressive or anxiety disorders (CIDI), number (%)


 Depressive disorders

1158 (38.8)


626 (21.0)

 Anxiety disorders

1305 (43.8)


711 (23.9).

Personality score (NEO-FFI; 12–60), mean (SD)



36.3 (9.4)


33.5 (9.0)


36.9 (7.4)


37.8 (7.2)


38.2 (6.0)


36.8 (5.3)


43.8 (5.3)


44.5 (5.2)


41.7 (6.5)


42.3 (6.2)

  1. MUPS medically unexplained physical symptoms, 4DSQ four dimensional symptom questionnaire, TIC-P Trimbos and iMTA questionnaire on costs associated with psychiatric illness, IQR interquartile range (25th to 75th percentile), CIDI composite international diagnostic interview, NEO-FFI NEO five-factor inventory