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Table 5 Meaningful engagement by SUPERs

From: Using Participatory Learning & Action research to access and engage with ‘hard to reach’ migrants in primary healthcare research

Training activities by SUPERs

Impact/effect on SUPERs

Participated in capacity-building activities:

 - 4 sessions, 12 h face-to-face

 - Timeline activity to elicit past personal experiences of language barriers confirmed value and importance of experiential knowledge in PLA research

• Developed trust and rapport within combined community-university research team (FDB)

• Empowered SUPERs by enhancing knowledge about cross-cultural communication in academic literature (PE)

Engaged in intensive PLA training:

 - 6 sessions, 28 h face-to-face

 - additional piloting and practice hours

• Generated a skilled multiethnic, multilingual team capable of facilitating PLA research (FDB)

• Supported development of perceived confidence and competence to act as peer researchers (FDB) (PE)

Research activities by SUPERs

Impact/effect on SUPERs

Facilitated sequence of PLA techniques in language-concordant manner

 - 1 session, 7 h face-to-face

 • Empowered SUPERs as active key ‘instruments’ in PLA research (FDB)

 • Confirmed value of language skills and cultural knowledge as means of addressing and ameliorating language and culture barriers in research (FDB)

 • Emphasised SUPERs’ ability to create inclusive research environment (FDB)

Applied range of mixed visual–verbal PLA techniques

Used co-designed protocol document

Culture-proofed PLA materials for use in various techniques

 • Empowered SUPERs as researchers – visual nature of techniques ameliorated migrants’ literacy challenges during research process (CH) (FDB)

 • Confirmed unique value of SUPERs’ active input into co-design of protocol and culture-proofing of PLA materials (FDB)

Identified and trained a ‘materials manager’ to assist with use of PLA materials, data displays, photography and group management

 • Empowered SUPERs as decision-makers


Facilitated on-the-spot analysis with MSUs

 • Confirmed SUPERs in their ability to engage in data co-analysis processes, which built confidence for subsequent team co-analysis (FDB)

Evaluated PLA research process

Debriefed PLA research process

 • Highlighted the positive relational environment SUPERs succeeded in generating during research process with migrants (FDB)

 • Enabled SUPERs to identify key strengths, learning, potential improvements (re PLA process, re own skills and competencies) (FDB)

• Allowed SUPERs to identify perceived benefits of engagement for themselves and their communities (FDB)

Co-analysed research results

 • Confirmed SUPERs’ skills in eliciting migrant perspectives during PLA fieldwork; confirmed value of SUPERs’ continuing involvement and input into research (FDB) (CH) (PTAN)