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Table 2 Deconstruction of pilots’ eHealth service in its main functionalities. Reports the organization of the eHealth solutions implemented by the 9 pilots according with the three functionalities identified: information, education and communication

From: Empowering patients through eHealth: a case report of a pan-European project

Pilot #

eHealth functionalities




Pilot 1 – Andalusia (Spain)

Patient access to Personal Health Record and management of personal health information (medications, appointments, exams, allergies, clinical reports)

Tailored education and lifestyle guidance through (virtual) games: Diabetes self-management Education (diet counseling, daily activities, measurements, games)

Communication with their healthcare team: Secure messaging between patients and health care professionals

Chronic disease management support services: Recording and tracking of patient’s own measurements (blood sugar levels, weight, blood pressure) through tensiometers and glucometers

Pilot 2 – Lombardy (Italy)

Patient access to Personal Health Record and management of personal information: citizens can see his/her clinical documents and upload documents

Tailored education and lifestyle guidance (guidelines, recommendations on lifestyle to adopt, diet, physical activities to do)


Access to Integrated Care Pathways (for healthcare professionals and patients) and data entry and updates (only for healthcare professionals)

Timeline view providing bird’s eye view of the HER

Better integration with new services of booking and payment

Patient summary and structuration

Pilot 3 – Turkey

Access to Personal Health Record and Electronic Health Record

Tailored education and lifestyle guidance through Educational exercise videos on disease and treatment

Messaging service between patient and doctor

Chronic disease management support service

Diary service which allows patients to record their daily or weekly health status and inform the doctors if necessary (Patient diary)

Remote follow-up

Remote consultation

Medication and non-pharmacological treatment follow-up and Medication and non-pharmacological treatment benefit analysis


Pilot 4 – Norway

Electronic discharge notes in the local electronic health record

A guidance tool that helps visualizing factors (food, insulin and physical activity) that influence blood sugar levels in a 24 hour clock

Consultation form and self-reporting tools to support self-management Internet-based patient/ provider communication and interaction

Modules tailored for chronically ill patients (diabetes)


Secure messaging between patients and health care professionals

Recording and tracking of patient’s own measurements (blood sugar levels, weight, blood pressure, HbA1c)

Patient access to Personal Health Record

Pilot 5 – Styria (Austria)

Patient access to his/her personal X-ray-Record that reports X-ray exposure


Storing of individual information about radiation exposure data for all examinations into the existing hospital information system (HIS)

Develop an informative and comprehensible presentation for the radiation exposure data

Provide access for patients to their personal eXrayRecord via a patient-portal on the internet (and for health professionals via the HIS)

Pilot 6 – Czech Republic

Scheduling appointments


Sending alert reminders via SMS

Patient access to Personal Health Record

Monitoring individual parameters related to children growth

Accessing to the Vaccinations program

Monitoring the Preventive check-outs calendar

Monitoring the child growth (height/weight)

Pilot 7 – Basque Country (Spain)

Integration of all the data and information that a patient generates through the health services (health habits, treatment, symptoms…)

Tailored education and lifestyle guidance

Secure text & voice messaging and videoconference with the healthcare team and alerts:Call/videoconferencing/audio and text messaging; the patient can be in contact with other people in charge of his/her care (family, care assistants, etc.), Sharing/discussing with other professionals about certain symptoms, treatments, etc.

Patient access to Personal Health Record

Telerehabilitation (physical exercises)

Pilot 8 – France

Patient access to personal heath folder and download of personal contents

Tailored education and lifestyle guidance

To correspond securely with a healthcare professional, after his consent

To view data and to be informed about new documents

Telerehabilitation (physical exercises)

Data entry: self-monitoring results, their wishes regarding arrangements at the end of their lives, etc.

To download all or some of contents of the personal health folder

Pilot 9 – Denmark

Patient management of personal health information


Patient access to Personal Health Record

Chronic disease management support services

Online EHRs from hospitals, cross-sectorial personal electronic medicine profile, access to lab/test results

List of contacts with public hospitals and publically subsidized contacts in PHC

Organ Donor Registration and Living Will

Patient’s audit of any access to his/her data