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Table 1 Indicators related to clinical information coordination across levels of care

From: Development and testing of indicators to measure coordination of clinical information and management across levels of care

Dimension attribute



Source of data

Adapted from

Information transfer


Information flow across levels

IT1. Percentage of hospital discharges for which a discharge report is made available to primary care within the first 24 h

- Numerator: Discharge report available in primary care within the first 24 h after hospital discharge

Discharge reports in EMRs

[22, 30, 34, 37, 49]

- Denominator: Hospital discharges

IT2. Mean time to discharge report availability in primary care

- Numerator: Total hours elapsed from the time of hospital discharge to report availability in primary care

Discharge reports in EMRs


- Denominator: Hospital discharges

IT3. Percentage of emergency care visits for which there is an emergency care report available in primary care within 24 h

- Numerator: Emergency care report available in primary care within 24 h of the emergency care visit

Discharge reports in EMRs

[22, 30, 34, 37, 49]

- Denominator: Emergency care discharges

IT4. Mean time to emergency care report availability in primary care

- Numerator: Total hours elapsed from the emergency care visit to report availability in primary care

Discharge reports in EMRs


- Denominator: Emergency care discharges


Referral forms and discharge reports duly completed

IT5. Percentage of discharge reports duly completed

- Numerator: Hospital discharge reports which contain at least four of the following items: reason for admission, additional tests performed and pending, follow-up or monitoring for the patient after discharge, list of current medications and recommendations for the patient

EMR audit


Transfer of information on medication and tests across levels

- Denominator: Hospital discharge reports of patients discharged with a diagnosis of COPD, DM and/or HF

IT6. Percentage of emergency care reports duly completed

- Numerator: Emergency care reports which contain at least four of the following items: the reason for the emergency care visit, additional tests performed and pending (laboratory, radiology, etc.), follow-up or monitoring of the patient after the emergency care visit, list of current medications and recommendations for the patient

EMR audit


- Denominator: Emergency care reports of patients with COPD, DM and/or HF

IT7. Percentage of referral forms from primary care duly completed

- Numerator: Patients diagnosed with HF, COPD and/or DM that have been referred to secondary care with a referral form that contains relevant background morbidity, current medical treatment, and the reason for the referral

EMR audit


- Denominator: Patients diagnosed with HF, COPD and/or DM that have been referred to secondary care

  1. Indicators are available at:
  2. COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, DM diabetes mellitus, HF heart failure, EMR electronic medical record