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Table 4 Excluded studies

From: A systematic review of hospital accreditation: the challenges of measuring complex intervention effects

Reference (country)

Reason cited for exclusion

Aim of study

Al Awa et al. 2011 [22], Saudi Arabia

No control group

Determine if patient safety and quality care indicators improve post accreditation

Al Awa et al. 2011 [23], Saudi Arabia

No control group

Evaluate nursing perception of care/safety after accreditation

Al Tehewy et al. 2009 [26], Egypt

Not in hospital (health units)

Determine the effects of accreditation of non-governmental organizations

Chen et al. 2003 [31], USA

Measured outcome at only one point

Identify association between JCAHO accreditation and quality of care for acute myocardial infection

Chuang et al. 2009 [27], Australia

Did not measure effect

Propose an integrated research model

du Bois et al. 2009 [33], Germany

Review not linked to accreditation

Evaluate the impact of different physician and hospital characteristics on outcome in ovarian cancer patients

Gokenbach et al. 2011, USA [24]

No control group

Identify the effects of Magnet accreditation on one hospital

Lichtman et al. 2009 [28], USA

Did not measure effects of accreditation

Determine whether hospitals certified had better outcome within the first year of accreditation than non accredited hospitals

Lichtman et al. 2011 [32], USA

Measured outcome at only one point

Identify outcomes after ischemic stroke for hospitals with and without TJC certification

Menachemi et al. 2008 [25], USA

Not in hospital

Identify quality outcome in accredited and non-accredited ambulatory surgical centers

V Phua et al. 2011 [29], Singapore/Asia

Did not evaluate effects of accreditation

Assess compliance to sepsis bundles in intensive care units in Asia

Al-Awa et al. 2012 [30], Saudi Arabia

Compares survey results in accredited hospital to international results

Perform an unbiased assessment of the impact of accreditation on patient safety culture

Alkenizan & Shaw 2012 [36], UK,

Review, Qualitative assessment of attitude, did not measure effect

Review the literature of the attitude of healthcare professionals towards accreditation

Bohmer et al. 2012 [21], Germany

No controls

Identify to which extent pain management standards was implemented in hospitals after accreditation

Schmaltz et al. 2011 [34], USA

Compared the difference in development of accredited vs. non accredited hospitals, not the effects of accreditation

Examine the association between Joint Commission accreditation status and both absolute measures and trends in hospital performance

Nguyen et al. 2012 [35], USA

Compared the difference in development of accredited vs. non accredited hospitals, not the effects of accreditation

Analyze the peri-operative outcomes of bariatric surgery performed at accredited vs. non accredited centres

  1. Excluded studies after full text assessment presenting aim of study and reason for exclusion