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Table 1 Description of the independent variables hypothesized to explain willingness to participate and pay for National Health Insurance in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

From: Willingness to participate and Pay for a proposed national health insurance in St. Vincent and the grenadines: a cross-sectional contingent valuation approach




Hypothesized relationship with willingness to pay


How old the respondents are in years

0 = Less than 30

Younger people will be less willing to pay than older ones

1 = 31 - 45

2 = 46 – 60

3 = More than 60


Whether the respondent is male or female

0 = male

Males will be more willing to pay than females

1 = female

Marital Status

Characteristic of respondent marital status

0 = Married

Respondents who are married have a greater willingness to pay

1 = Single/Divorced/Widowed

Total number of people in household:

The number of residents within each household

1 = 2 or less

Higher number of household residents will lead to higher willingness to pay

2 = 3 – 5

3 = More than 5

Geographic location

Whether the respondent resides in a rural or urban area

1 = rural area

Residents living in urban areas will be more willing to pay than those in rural areas

2 = sub-urban area

3 = Urban area

4 = Grenadines

Education level

Measures the highest level of education attained by the respondents

0 = Primary school completed

The greater the level of education attained the greater the willingness to pay will be

1 = Secondary school completed

2 = Completed tertiary level education

Individual Monthly Income

The gross monthly salary of the respondent in Eastern Caribbean Dollar (USD $1 = ECD $2.70)

0 = $500 or less

People who earn more will be more willing to pay

1 = $501 - $1000

3 = More than $1 000

Employment status

Whether the respondent is employed or not

0 = Not employed

People who are employed will be more willing to pay

1 = Employed

2 = Self-employed

3 = Retired

State of health

Respondents self rated health status

4 = Excellent

Respondents who are in better health will be less willing to pay than those in worse health

3 = Very Good

2 = Good

1 = Fair

0 = Poor

Health insurance ownership

If the respondents has health insurance or not

0 = No

Respondents with health insurance will be more willing to pay than those without

1 = yes

Level of satisfaction with the public health care system

Measures the respondent level of satisfaction with the public health care system

0 = Not satisfied

Respondents who are satisfied will be less likely to pay than those who are dissatisfied

1 = Neutral

2 = satisfied