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Table 5 ART sites providing comprehensive care through the involvement of PLHIV and links to CHBC

From: HIV service delivery models towards ‘Zero AIDS-related Deaths’: a collaborative case study of 6 Asia and Pacific countries








Linking approach

National guidance and framework

−Framework and SOPs on continuum of care

Strategy on comprehensive continuum of care for PLHIV

−Strategy to initiate CHBC

−Strategy of greater involvement of PLHIV

−Policy of National Security Office to support PLHIV network

−Action plan on care and treatment

−SOPs for ‘MMM’ (center for friends help friends) and CHBC


−Guidelines and SOPs for CHBC


−ART protocol


−SOPs for CHBC

Features of collaboration between ART sites, PLHIV and CHBC

−‘MMM’ established inside ART sites and managed by a few PLHIV

−NGO clinics covering about 75% of PLHIV on ART

−PLHIV workers of NGOs visit ART sites on clinic days to complement services provided by health workers

−ART sites established continuum of care centers as pilot project

−Comprehensive Continuum of Care (CCC) Centers run by PLHIV

−ART sites involving PLHIV as member of ART team and facilitating PLHIV peer support groups

−Monthly meetings of ‘MMM’ involving patients, health workers and often hospital management

−In all NGO clinics, PLHIV working as part of care team

−Most CHBC teams involve PLHIV and are based at NGO-run HIV prevention and care centers

−PLHIV peer educators in ART sites

−CCC Centers located inside ART sites in some areas, outside in other areas

−A number of CHBC models including ART sites based; Stand-alone model run by PLHIV groups and local NGOs; Led by Women’s Union; and Commune health station based.

−PLHIV working as part of ART team

−PLHIV having some role in government run clinics too


−The continuum of care centers linked to CHBC teams

−CHBC led by PLHIV as part of activities of CCC Centers


−NGO-led CHBC teams involving PLHIV and attending ‘MMM’ meetings and local coordination meetings

−Local coordination meetings involving CHBC



−Most ART sites having MMM

−PLHIV as care provider in all NGO run clinics

−All ART sites supported by PLHIV workers

−4 ART sites established the centers

−367 CCC Centers operational

−More than 100 ART sites involve PLHIV as member of ART teams and linked to CHBC

−356 CHBC teams linked to 848 sub-district health centers

−CHBC at least in 15/325 townships

−More than half of ART sites linked to CHBC

−5 ART sites having PLHIV peer educators

−CHBC at least in 400/878 districts

−185 CHBC teams


−CHBC in 13/75 districts

−CHBC in 2/89 districts

  1. Remark: SOPs: Standard operating procedures, CHBC: Community- and home-based care.
  2. Source: National HIV programs of 6 countries as of 2010.