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Table 3 Factors facilitating adherence to medications: thematic matrix of categories, subcategories and concepts (n = 40)

From: Perceptions of inhibitors and facilitators for adhering to hypertension treatment among insured patients in rural Nigeria: a qualitative study




1) Healthcare related factors

Affordability of quality ‘Hygeia Community Health Care’ Plan

Free access to ‘good’ Hygeia community health care “obliges” and encourages compliance with pills [n = 30]*

Free Hygeia community health care is timely blessing from God and conscientious pill use maximizes this blessing [n = 5]


Appreciation of healthcare provider

Impressive professional and social reputation of Doctor stimulates compliance [n = 12]

Approachability of healthcare provider

The listening, concerned doctor [n = 29]

Doctor’s willingness to dose pills relevant to circumstances (e.g. fasting period) [n = 10]


Availability of medication

Pills free and always available [n = 30]

2) Patient related factors

Perceived dreaded nature of hypertension

Hypertension is dangerous and can kill [n = 38]

3) Medication related factors

Perceived efficacy of orthodox (western) medicines

White man’s pills work better than traditional medicines (herbs) [n = 20]

4) Religion related factors

Faith related support

Prayer makes pills work well [n = 19]


Motivation from health counseling at faith meetings/services [n = 6]

5) Social support factors

Supportive and concerned family

Family members remind patient and monitor pill use [n = 10]


Peer support

Motivation from other ‘positive living’ hypertensive patients [n = 4]

  1. *n refers to the number of respondents whose perceptions contribute to the corresponding concepts.