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Table 3 Response rate and level of agreement on formulated statements related to the Maternal Health Care Register

From: User perspectives on the Swedish Maternal Health Care Register


Response rate a

Values b


Totally disagree


Totally agree

Summary of


n (%)







value 3 to 5

1. Statements responded by all participating midwives (N = 989)


It is easy to get an overview

947 (95.8)

9 (0.9)

21 (2.2)

64 (6.8)

261 (27.6)

359 (37.9)

233 (24.6)

853 (90.1)

It is easy to orient myself

948 (95.9)

8 (0.8)

17 (1.8)

60 (6.3)

248 (26.2)

390 (41.1)

225 (23.7)

863 (91.0)

The start page has an appealing layout

866 (87.6)

33 (3.8)

52 (6.0)

134 (15.5)

345 (39.8)

196 (22.6)

106 (12.2)

646 (74.7)

The colours are appealing

844 (85.0)

9 (1.1)

35 (4.1)

99 (11.7)

295 (35.0)

273 (32.3)

133 (15.8)

700 (83.0)

The font is easy to read

943 (95.0)

3 (0.3)

8 (0.8)

33 (3.5)

188 (19.9)

397 (42.1)

314 (33.3)

898 (93.5)

The text is easy to understand

948 (95.9)

3 (0.3)

8 (0.8)

30 (3.2)

184 (19.4)

428 (45.1)

295 (31.1)

907 (95.7)

The font size works well

947 (95.8)

2 (0.2)

2 (0.2)

24 (2.5)

144 (15.2)

402 (42.4)

373 (39.4)

919 (97.0)

I get the information I need about the register

861 (87.1)

19 (2.2)

22 (2.5)

68 (7.9)

236 (27.4)

328 (38.1)

188 (21.8)

752 (87.3)

The Web- application functions well for registration

943 (95.3)

10 (1.1)

14 (1.5)

44 (4.7)

187 (19.8)

420 (44.5)

268 (28.4)

875 (92.8)

Register manual


I have read the manual (proportion of “yes” answer)

493 (51.5)


The text is easy to understand

462 (93.7)

2 (0.4)

2 (0.4)

14 (3.0)

126 (27.3)

236 (51.2)

82 (17.7)

444 (96.1)

The manual gave me the information I needed

459 (93.1)

3 (0.7)

2 (0.4)

17 (3.7)

121 (26.4)

219 (47.7)

97 (21.1)

437 (92.5)

Registration of data at first data entry


The questions are easy to understand

966 (97.7)

3 (0.3)

2 (0.2)

12 (1.2)

83 (8.6)

379 (39.2)

487 (50.4)

949 (98.2)

The questions come in a logical order

918 (92.8)

4 (0.4)

4 (0.4)

19 (2.1)

117 (12.7)

388 (42.3)

386 (42.0)

891 (97.1)

Registration of data at second data entry


The questions are easy to understand

953 (96.4)

1 (0.1)

2 (0.2)

16 (1.7)

128 (13.4)

425 (44.6)

381 (40.0)

934 (98.0)

The questions come in a logical order

916 (92.6)

2 (0.2)

7 (0.8)

22 (2.4)

132 (14.4)

412 (45.0)

341 (37.2)

885 (96.6)

2. Statements responded by midwives in group A c (n = 880) d


I regularly access data on pregnant women who visit my clinic

842 (95.7)

481 (57.1)

182 (21.6)

99 (11.8)

55 (6.5)

11 (1.3)

14 (1.7)

80 (9.5)

The register is helpful in my clinical work

750 (85.2)

289 (38.5)

163 (21.7)

118 (15.7)

127 (16.9)

32 (3.6)

21 (2.8)

180 (24.0)

The register is burdensome

843 (95.8)

64 (7.6)

78 (9.3)

105 (12.5)

215 (25.4)

186 (21.9)

197 (23.4)

596 (70.7)

I gain a more coherent picture of the pregnant woman by registering data in the register

809 (91.9)

285 (35.2)

198 (24.5)

131 (16.2)

147 (18.2)

36 (4.4)

12 (1.5)

195 (24.1)

I question the benefit of the register

789 (89.7)

201 (25.5)

148 (18.8)

87 (11.0)

158 (20.0)

83 (10.5)

112 (14.2)

353 (44.7)

3. Statements responded by midwives in group B e (n = 84) and C f (n = 24). In total n = 108 d


I regularly access data on pregnant women who visit my clinic

99 (91.7)

20 (20.2)

11 (11.1)

13 (13.1)

22 (22.2)

17 (17.2)

16 (16.2)

55 (55.6)

The register is helpful in my clinical work

85 (78.7)

15 (17.6)

6 (7.1)

11 (12.9)

24 (28.2)

15 (17.6)

14 (16.5)

53 (62.4)

The register is burdensome

98 (90.7)

19 (19.4)

24 (24.5)

18 (18.4)

19 (19.4)

12 (12.2)

6 (6.1)

37 (37.8)

The register is helpful in my administrative work

94 (87.0)

17 (18.1)

7 (7.4)

8 (8.5)

15 (16.0)

28 (29.8)

19 (20.2)

62 (66.0)

I gain a more coherent picture of the pregnant woman by registering data in the register

80 (74.1)

21 (26.3)

8 (10.0)

13 (16.3)

18 (22.5)

14 (17.5)

6 (7.5)

38 (47.5)

I use register data in our operational planning

91 (84.3)

27 (29.7)

11 (12.1)

7 (7.7)

13 (14.3)

22 (24.2)

11 (12.1)

46 (50.5)

I base financial decisions on data from the register

79 (73.1)

37 (46.8)

8 (10.1)

10 (12.7)

14 (17.7)

8 (10.1)

2 (2.5)

24 (30.4)

I use register data to describe the burden of care for my clinic

95 (88.0)

24 (25.3)

7 (7.4)

12 (12.6)

13 (13.7)

23 (24.2)

16 (16.8)

52 (54.7)

I use register data to compare my clinic with other levels of health care (regions, counties, Sweden)

96 (88.9)

22 (22.9)

12 (12.5)

12 (12.5)

8 (8.3)

24 (25.0)

18 (18.8)

50 (52.1)

I present register data to my colleagues at the clinic

96 (88.9)

25 (26.0)

10 (10.4)

7 (7.3)

14 (14.6)

20 (20.8)

20 (20.8)

54 (56.3)

I perceive my colleagues as interested in clinic data

90 (83.3)

15 (16.7)

3 (3.3)

12 (13.3)

21 (23.3)

24 (26.7)

15 (16.7)

60 (66.7)

I provide register data to my supervisors

95 (88.0)

32 (33.7)

11 (11.6)

8 (8.4)

9 (9.3)

19 (20.0)

16 (16.8)

44 (46.3)

I provide register data for development of health care

84 (77.8)

57 (67.9)

13 (15.5)

7 (8.3)

5 (6.0)

1 (1.2)

1 (1.2)

7 (8.3)

I question the benefit of the register

92 (85.2)

52 (56.5)

19 (20.7)

4 (4.3)

4 (4.3)

3 (3.3)

10 (10.9)

17 (18.5)

  1. aResponse rate is the number of responding participants divided by 989.
  2. bValues on a scale from 0 to 5 where 0 = totally disagree and 5 = totally agree.
  3. cGroup A included midwives exclusively engaged in patient-related work tasks.
  4. dOne participant did not fill in type of work executed.
  5. eGroup B included midwives engaged in both patient-related work tasks and administrative supervision.
  6. fGroup C included midwives exclusively engaged in administrative supervision.