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Table 2 Cohort baseline characteristics, according to AEC service availability

From: The association of asthma education centre characteristics on hospitalizations and emergency department visits in Ontario: a population-based study


Fulltime extended hours

Part-time extended hours

Fulltime regular hours

Part-time regular hours

No AEC access

N = 33 353

N = 9 857

N = 17 780

N = 6 365

N = 7 699

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)


5 052 (51.3%)

8 993 (50.6%)

3 044 (47.8%)

4 017 (52.2%)

16 491 (49.4%)

Age group (years)



2 005 (20.3%)

3 329 (18.7%)

847 (13.3%)

1 956 (25.4%)

5 392 (16.2%)


1 671 (17.0%)

3 055 (17.2%)

784 (12.3%)

1 493 (19.4%)

5 165 (15.5%)


972 (9.9%)

1 762 (9.9%)

560 (8.8%)

794 (10.3%)

3 336 (10.0%)


738 (7.5%)

1 394 (7.8%)

585 (9.2%)

521 (6.8%)

2 907 (8.7%)


835 (8.5%)

1 534 (8.6%)

674 (10.6%)

541 (7.0%)

2 831 (8.5%)


710 (7.2%)

1 323 (7.4%)

587 (9.2%)

446 (5.8%)

2 494 (7.5%)


1 218 (12.4%)

2 257 (12.7%)

1 012 (15.9%)

865 (11.2%)

4 725 (14.2%)


1 708 (17.3%)

3 126 (17.6%)

1 316 (20.7%)

1 083 (14.1%)

6 503 (19.5%)

Income quintile


  1 (lowest)

2 244 (22.8%)

4 893 (27.5%)

1 735 (27.3%)

2 200 (28.6%)

7 826 (23.5%)


2 349 (23.8%)

4 047 (22.8%)

1 370 (21.5%)

1 599 (20.8%)

6 820 (20.4%)


2 383 (24.2%)

3 301 (18.6%)

1 220 (19.2%)

1 336 (17.4%)

6 466 (19.4%)


1 716 (17.4%)

2 999 (16.9%)

1 040 (16.3%)

1 265 (16.4%)

6 573 (19.7%)

  5 (highest)

1 150 (11.7%)

2 511 (14.1%)

979 (15.4%)

1 256 (16.3%)

5 578 (16.7%)


15 (0.2%)

29 (0.2%)

21 (0.3%)

43 (0.6%)

90 (0.3%)


283 (2.9%)

519 (2.9%)

1 333 (20.9%)

502 (6.5%)

6 496 (19.5%)

Acuity at index event


  Inpatient admission


2 237 (22.7%)

3 060 (17.2%)

722 (11.3%)

1 145 (14.9%)

4 865 (14.6%)

  Highest acuity CTAS 1-2 ED Visit


2 402 (24.4%)

3 971 (22.3%)

1 079 (17.0%)

1 530 (19.9%)

5 456 (16.4%)

  Urgent acuity (CTAS 3) ED Visit


5 218 (52.9%)

10 749 (60.5%)

4 564 (71.7%)

5 024 (65.3%)

23 032 (69.1%)

Any primary care services in previous 2 years


9 232 (93.7%)

16 996 (95.6%)

5 851 (91.9%)

7 286 (94.6%)

31 535 (94.5%)

Pre-existing asthma


7 653 (77.6%)

13 819 (77.7%)

4 796 (75.3%)

5 774 (75.0%)

26 323 (78.9%)

Specialist asthma visit in previous 2 years


5 104 (51.8%)

9 814 (55.2%)

2 607 (41.0%)

4 539 (59.0%)

16 934 (50.8%)

Asthma admissions in previous 2 years


414 (4.2%)

641 (3.6%)

155 (2.4%)

286 (3.7%)

1 021 (3.1%)

Asthma ED visits in previous 2 years


1 390 (14.1%)

2 735 (15.4%)

952 (15.0%)

1 106 (14.4%)

4 906 (14.7%)

Hospital type



8 716 (88.4%)

13 744 (77.3%)

4 355 (68.4%)

5 888 (76.5%)

25 941 (77.8%)


845 (8.6%)

0 (0%)

272 (4.3%)

0 (0%)

3 265 (9.8%)


296 (3.0%)

4 036 (22.7%)

1 738 (27.3%)

1 811 (23.5%)

4 147 (12.4%)