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Table 1 Asthma education centre guideline-based program and service delivery characteristics for hospital-based AECs in Ontario

From: The association of asthma education centre characteristics on hospitalizations and emergency department visits in Ontario: a population-based study



Program characteristics

N = 32*

Population served



29 (91%)


30 (94%)

Asthma education and resources provided in other languages

7 (22%)

Guideline-based program characteristics


  Patient assessment

32 (100%)

  Information provided about what asthma is

32 (100%)

  Identification of individual risk/trigger Factors

32 (100%)

  Review of asthma medications

32 (100%)

  Difference between “relievers” and “controllers”

32 (100%)

  Potential side effects of medications

32 (100%)

  Review of asthma medication administration techniques

32 (100%)

  Prevention of symptoms and attacks

32 (100%)

  Signs that suggest asthma is worsening

32 (100%)

  Coping strategies (e.g., how to deal with teachers/employers/healthcare professionals)

32 (100%)

  Monitoring control of asthma

32 (100%)

  Peak flow monitoring

28 (88%)

  Environmental control

32 (100%)

  How and when to seek medical attention

32 (100%)

  Written action plan

32 (100%)

  Behavior modification approach

29 (91%)

Human resources


  Certified Asthma Educators

28 (88%)

  Other multi-disciplinary team members (Social Worker, Pharmacist)

5 (16%)

Service delivery characteristics

N = 36*

Hours of service


  Full-time regular hours (Monday through Friday 8AM to 4PM)

5 (14%)

  Full-time regular and extended hours (before 8AM, after 4 PM and/or weekends)

10 (28%)

  Part-time (less than 30 hrs. per week) regular hours

9 (25%)

  Part-time regular and extended hours

12 (33%)

Inpatient or ED asthma education provided by AEC staff


  Inpatient education

22 (61%)

  ED education

14 (39%)

  1. *N = 32 primary sites with survey responses; N = 36 primary sites with service delivery information in survey and/or in the public domain.