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Table 2 Clinical practice, attitudes and referral practice towards TSGs.

From: Attitudes towards 12-step groups and referral practices in a 12-step naive treatment culture; a survey of addiction professionals in Norway


N (%) or

Mean (SD)

Proportion of professionals actively referring any patient last week

107 (38.4%)

Proportion of patients referred to TSGs (364 of 2402 patients)


Proportion of all patients considered to be "suitable" for TSG participation (1017 of 1965 patients *)


Percentage of "suitable" patients referred to TSGs (342 of 1017 patients *)


Personal attitude about TSGs (scale 0 – 10, score 10 is most positive)

7.7 (1.6)

Attitude about TSG subscale items (scale 0 – 10):


   In your professional judgement, how helpful are TSGs?

7.5 (1.9)

   How important are TSGs to the recovery process of patients?

7.6 (1.9)

   How important are TSGs in the treatment system?

7.3 (2.0)

   Harmfulness of TSGs (scale 0 – 10, score 10 is harmless)

8.4 (1.6)

Perceived openness for TSGs at workplace (scale 0 – 10)

7.4 (2.5)

Self efficacy for making TSG referrals (scale 0 – 10)

5.2 (2.7)

TSG knowledge scale score (scale 0 – 14)

7.8 (3.2)

Interest in obtaining more information about TSGs? (scale 0 – 10)

7.1 (2.6)

Integration and use of the 12-steps in daily treatment work (N = 275)

59 (21.1%)

Ever attended AA/NA meetings (N = 278)

88 (31.5%)

  1. N (%) or Mean and SD (N = 279)
  2. * N = 229 respondents