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Table 6 HMI Healthcare Provider and Patient Toolkits

From: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario (HSFO) high blood pressure strategy's hypertension management initiative study protocol


Tool Name


Target Audience

Provider Toolkit

1. Rx Dx Pads (with Diagnosis check off)

Communication tool for physicians to provide pharmacists

diagnosis information with prescription allowing pharmacist to counsel patient appropriately and reinforce physician's messages regarding treatment adherence. It will be available in both paper and electronic form according to site preference.

Physician/Nurse Practitioner


2. Proper Methods to

Take Blood Pressure

A summary of directions for providers and patients on how to take blood pressure; includes step by step instructions for patients before and during BP measurements to ensure a correct BP reading.


3. Bp TRu 300

Automated office blood pressure measurement devices.


4. Blood Pressure Pocket Guide

An easy to use reference, pocket guide with Blood Pressure Risk chart/BMI calculator, waist circumference risk and stages of Change and counselling information to help your patients with their identified lifestyle modification. Patients also like the visual risk mapping format of the charts.



5. HBP Flow Sheet & Assessment Form

Charting tool to record patient's progress with HBP care plan over time. This tool will remain in the patient's chart and will be used in paper version only in paper based sites. That form will be also faxed to an optical recognition site that will digitize the data and send it to a secure web-based custom data set. EMR (electronic medical record) sites will be sending the data directly to the same secure web based custom data set through a secure link.



6. Confidential Provider

Practice Audit Reports

Regular confidential practice reports are generated from the web-based data set and provided to the healthcare providers, namely physicians and nurse practitioners. The reports provide confidential, anonymous comparisons of one's practice to other participating healthcare providers and sites.

The dataset is hosted on a PHIPA compliant server.

Physician/Nurse Practitioner


7. RNAO-HSFO Nursing Best Practice Guideline, Nursing

Management of Hypertension

A nursing best practice guideline collaboratively developed by the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, with funding support from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. This guideline has been endorsed by CHEP.

Nurses, Nurse Practitioners


8. CHEP Recommendations

Canadian Recommendations for the Management of Hypertension, published yearly by the Canadian Hypertension Education Program(CHEP)


9. 'Reach Your Goal in Your Blood Pressure Control'

Fact Sheet

The Reach Your Goal fact sheet is intended as an aid to assist in the lifestyle counselling of hypertensive patients.

Patient Lifestyle changes and the effect on Blood pressure are listed on the first side. The other side has Blood Pressure Basics: one page patient education piece on blood pressure that outlines definitions and management. No major changes to the previously ethically approved

version except updating information based on the new CHEP guidelines.


Patient Toolkit

1."Take the Pressure

Off' Resource Book

Evidence-informed patient HBP education workbook will be provided to all patients. It will serve as a knowledge resource utilizing easy language. This resource will also serve as an identification tool for the pharmacist to initiate lifestyle counselling with the enrolled and consented patients. It is consistent with the latest CHEP recommendations. There are 3 key components of this patient resource book:

i) An easy to read resource book designed to provide your patients with a basic understanding of high blood pressure and to promote self-management

ii) Patient-Provider Agreement: A tool intended to promote conversations and concordance between patients and you, as well as patient's decision-making.

iii) iii) Patient Log Book: An interactive tool that promotes self-management among patients. It enables monitoring of their progress for 3 key co-morbidities: hypertension; diabetes; dyslipidemia, and tracking of medications and questions/topics they wish to follow-up with different members of the healthcare team.



4. Blood Pressure Action Plan

HSFO online or phone-in service that asks an individual questions regarding lifestyle and risk factors and offers a personalized plan with realistic strategies for living a healthier life. Individuals may also opt into an email support program that sends periodic email messages to help the individual through the stages of change. Previously ethically approved and no changes has been introduced.

General public patients who enter the Initiative will be referred to BPAP.