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Table 1 Patients' characteristics of the derivation cohort (n = 349)

From: A predictive score to identify hospitalized patients' risk of discharge to a post-acute care facility

Characteristics of the patients




Discharged to a PAC facility

Discharged home


n = 104 30%

n = 245 70%


Age: mean (± SD)

71 (14)

62 (18)

< 0.001

Number of men (%)

47 (47%)

113 (52%)


Number of patients living alone (%)

62 (60%)

101 (41%)


Number of patients whose partner provided home help (%)

27 (26%)

109 (44%)


Number of formal care providers at home: mean (± SD)*

2.0 (1.1)

1.6 (1.0)


Number of informal care providers at home: mean (± SD)

1.4 (0.6)

1.3 (0.5)


Number of drugs prior admission: mean (± SD)

5.0 (3.3)

4.1 (3.2)


Number of hospital stays in the past 3 months: mean (± SD)

0.4 (0.7)

0.5 (1.1)


Number of emergency room visits in the past 3 months: mean (± SD)

0.2 (0.7)

0.2 (0.6)


Number of patients admitted from other hospital services (%)

29 (28%)

28 (11%)


Number of self-reported ADL disabilities upon admission: mean (± SD)

1.8 (2.2)

0.5 (1.2)


Number of self-reported IAD§ disabilities upon admission: mean (± SD)

2.5 (2.0)

1.1 (1.6)


Number of active medical problems on admission: mean (± SD)

3.6 (1.5)

2.7 (1.3)


Charlson comorbidity index: mean (± SD)

2.1 (2.0)

1.8 (2.0)


Mini Mental State score on admission: mean (± SD)||

24.5 (4.3)

25.7 (3.5)


Number of ADL disabilities on day 3: mean (± SD)**

3.8 (2.8)

1.2 (2.2)


Length of hospital stay: mean (± SD)

13.2 (7.8)

10.1 (6.4)

< 0.001

  1. *only for people receiving professional home care (n = 104)
  2. only for people receiving informal home care (n = 271)
  3. ADL: Activities of daily living
  4. § IADL: Instrumental activities of daily living
  5. ||only for people aged 65 and over (n = 175)
  6. **only for people assessed on day 3 by nurse staff (n = 299)