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Table 6 Updated Dutch program for guideline development in physical therapy

From: Comparison of international guideline programs to evaluate and update the Dutch program for clinical guideline development in physical therapy



1. Structure and organization

Central professional organization in collaboration with other institutes. Mono-disciplinary development group (5–10 members). Small group (2–3) of employed staff within development group responsible for review of literature and actual writing of the guideline. Patients involved in external review group and focus groups.

2. Preparation/initiation

Special interest groups can propose topics using application form. Procedure is described for prioritizing topics. Guideline committee selects. KNGF board makes final decision. Literature orientation on the subject. Barriers and needs of physiotherapists and patients are described in application form.

3. Development

Literature search using systematic strategy. Systematic review or meta-analysis if no (recent) review is available. Quality of studies assessed using different tools for diagnosis, intervention and systematic reviews. Hierarchy of the evidence described in four levels according to Dutch consensus. Grading of recommendations in four levels. Standardized formulation of recommendations according to grading. Outline of guideline divided in physical therapy diagnosis and treatment based on clinical reasoning process. Use of International Classification of Functioning (ICF) as nomenclature.

4. Validation

Draft guideline sent to group of peers to test practicality, clarity and acceptability. Draft guideline discussed in external review group (relevant health care professionals, patients, stakeholders). Separate check by patient advisory board. Final draft checked by Guideline Committee. Endorsement by KNGF. Test piloting after endorsement.

5. Dissemination and Implementation

Four products: practice guideline, review of the evidence, summary (in flow chart), patient version. Publication as supplement of Dutch Journal for Physical Therapy. Sent to all members of KNGF. Translated into English. Publication on website. Implementation plan with every guideline.

6. Evaluation and update

No later than 5 years after publication decision about update, based on new evidence, results from pilot, professional developments and developments in guideline methodology. Additional (systematic) review of literature. Weighing of the evidence and recommendations adjusted or added if necessary.