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Table 6 Frequency of liver-related diagnostic codes according to the development of acute liver failure (ALF) *

From: Validation of ICD-9-CM/ICD-10 coding algorithms for the identification of patients with acetaminophen overdose and hepatotoxicity using administrative data

Clinical Diagnosis (Codes)

ALF (n = 22)

No ALF (n = 110)

Odds Ratio (95% CI)


Hepatic necrosis (570, K71.1)

59.1% (13)

13.6% (15)

9.15 (2.96–28.46)

< 0.0005

Toxic hepatitis (573.3, K71.2, K71.6, K71.9)

18.2% (4)

30.0% (33)

0.52 (0.12–1.75)


Hepatic encephalopathy (572.2, K72.0, K72.9)

40.9% (9)

0.9% (1)

75.46 (8.73–3335)

< 0.0005

Coagulopathy (286.7, D68.4, D68.9)

9.1% (2)

4.6% (5)

2.10 (0.19–13.88)


ARDS (582.82, J80)

4.6% (1)




  1. * In patients identified by the acetaminophen overdose coding algorithm including codes 965.4 and T39.1. Codes for jaundice and hepatorenal syndrome were not recorded in any patient.
  2. ARDS, adult respiratory distress syndrome. CI, confidence interval.