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Table 1 Performance objectives

From: Development of a workplace intervention for sick-listed employees with stress-related mental disorders: Intervention Mapping as a useful tool

Performance objectives for the reduction of long-term sick leave and disability for sick-listed employees with SMDs.

1. Employee learns the consequences of long-term sick leave and disability due to SMDs.

2. Employee is able to identify and prioritise (mental and physical workload) barriers for a safe and early RTW.

3. Employee is able to discuss barriers for a safe and early RTW with the supervisor and the RTW coordinator.

4. Employee is able to identify and prioritise solutions for barriers for a safe and early RTW.

5. Employee is able to discuss (mental and physical workload) solutions for an early RTW with the supervisor and the RTW coordinator.

6. Employee discusses the implementation plan with the supervisor and the RTW coordinator.

  1. Performance objectives for the reduction of long-term sick leave and disability for employees with SMDs.