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Table 1 Contracted commitment per week of general practice principals

From: The feminization of the medical work force, implications for Scottish primary care: a survey of Scottish general practitioners

Contracted commitment per week




Male (%)

Female (%)


13 to 18 hours

23 (1.6)

52 (5.3)

75 (3.1)

19 to 26 hours

86 (5.8)

234 (24.0)

320 (13.1)

More than 26 hours

1323 (89.9)

651 (66.7)

1974 (80.7)

job share*

39 (2.7)

39 (4.0)

78 (3.2)



976 (100)

2447 (100)

  1. Missing data 94
  2. * Two doctors who chose to share the hours and responsibilities of a full-time partnership post in a flexible way. (As part-time posts have become more readily available in recent years this type of post has become less common)