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Table 1 List of 33 symptoms inquired about as part of the West of Scotland Twenty-07 study*

From: Symptom experience and subsequent mortality: results from the West of Scotland Twenty-07 study

Respiratory/ENT symptoms

Colds or flu

Persistent cough

Palpitations or breathlessness

Sinus, catarrh or blocked nose

Sore throat

Wheezy chest

Musculoskeletal symptoms

Sore or stiff back

Stiff or painful joints

Muscle tightness or tension

Gastro-intestinal symptoms


Stomach pain or cramps



Poor appetite

Sickness or nausea

Piles or haemorrhoids

Mental health symptoms

Difficulty sleeping

Nerves or tension

Difficulty concentrating

Worrying over every little thing

Feeling depressed

Neurological symptoms


Trembling hands

Fainting or dizziness

Systemic (general) symptoms

Feeling generally run down

Always feeling tired

Hot and sweating a lot

Cold sweats

Other symptoms

Trouble with ears

Trouble with eyes

Skin rash or skin problems

Trouble with teeth or mouth

Kidney or bladder problems

  1. *Symptoms were not presented to participants in this order or in these groupings