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Table 3 Patient's priorities according to domains (n = 445), number (%).

From: Good physicians from the perspective of their patients


Patient's autonomy

Professional expertise

Humane attitude

Preferred domain #

139 (31)

90 (20)

76 (17)

Important domain ##

69 (16)

86 (19)

48 (11)

Combined ###




No choices in the domain

54 (12)

64 (14)

119 (27)


P = 0.008 vs. Prof

P < 0.0005 vs. Hum.

P < 0.0005 vs. Hum.

  1. # Preferred domain = at least 2 choices (a majority) of attributes in that domain and more than in any other domain.
  2. ## Important domain = domain selected as important, but with equal selections in one other domain. (In an additional 9% of the patients, all 3 domains were equally selected).
  3. ### Combined 'preferred' and 'important' domains.