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Table 3 Additional information provided by 64 respondents on specific drugs that required double-checking prior to administration

From: A national survey of inpatient medication systems in English NHS hospitals

Drug name/group

No of respondent hospitals (%)

Double checking of specific drugs required but names of drugs not provided

27 (42)


16 (25)


7 (11)

Complex preparations

6 (9)


5 (8)


3 (5)

Infusion devices

2 (3)

Oral methotrexate

2 (3)

Saline [sodium chloride 0.9%] flushes

2 (3)

Therapeutic doses of low molecular weight heparins

2 (3)

Clinical trial drugs

2 (3)

“High risk” [unspecified] intravenous drugs

1 (2)

Intravenous immunoglobulin

1 (2)


1 (2)

Paediatric doses requiring calculations

1 (2)

  1. Total percentage is over 100% as some respondent hospitals had more than one drug-specific double-checking policy in place.