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Table 5 Differences in mean results (t- test) on staff satisfaction questionnaire (0–10 scale) between the group of organisations with Gold Q Award and those with no Q certification, per cycle and dimension

From: Is organizational progress in the EFQM model related to employee satisfaction?


Differences in mean value on staff satisfaction

*(standard deviation)




Internal communication

0.75 (0.25)

0.54 (0.20)

0.37 (0.15)

Training and professional development

0.72 (0.12)

0.38 (0.18)

0.40 (0.12)

Policy and strategy

0.60 (0.28)

0.49 (0.20)

0.40 (0.18)

Leadership and management style in the unit/service

0.63 (0.18)

0.43 (0.21)

0.24 (0.13)

Technical and material resources

0.30 (0.26)

0.07 (0.23)

0.44 (0.21)

Health and safety at work

0.29 (0.23)

0.24 (0.20)

0.22 (0.18)

Working conditions

0.09 (0.24)

0.32 (0.17)

0.24 (0.14)

Working environment

0.21 (0.26)

0.18 (0.23)

0.16 (0.13)


0.04 (0.31)

0.10 (0.23)

0.13 (0.14)

  1. *Mean values in bold are those with p < 0.05.