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Table 2 Principal component analysis of patient data ( n= 1909) concerning quality of care

From: The relationship between patients’ perceptions of care quality and three factors: nursing staff job satisfaction, organizational characteristics and patient age

Component’s name and summary

Statements included in the components

1. Mutual respect




I was appreciated (0.78e)

 4.44, 3.73-4.97a

I was able to speak with the staff in private (0.78)


I felt welcomed into the hospital (0.76)


I felt safe in hospital (0.74)


I was able to discuss issues with the staff in confidence (0.70)


I was listened to when I had worries (0.67)

2. Information




Restrictions relating to my illness were explained to me (0.78)

 4.24, 3.56-4.75


I was given clear instructions about home care (0.77)


I received sufficient information about my home care (0.76)


I received sufficient information about my illness (0.76)


I received sufficient information about my medication (0.68)


The rules relating to the hospital environment were explained (0.64)


I was able to ask questions concerning my care (0.61)


I was able to participate in the planning of my care (0.61)


I was addressed in clear and intelligible language (0.56)


The staff relied on my own assessment of how I felt (0.54)


My family were given enough attention (0.50)


Sufficient concern was shown about my state of health (0.49)


The members of staff respected each other’s expertise (0.48)

3. Basic needs




I was helped with my personal hygiene if necessary (0.94)

 4.27, 3.42-4.97

I was given enough to drink (0.94)


I was given an appropriate amount of food (0.93)


I was able to maintain and/or improve my mobility (0.86)


I received medication for my pain at the right time (0.59)


My pain was noticed and taken seriously (0.49)

4. Expertise




The physicians were professional (0.71)

 4.52, 3.89-4.93

The other staff were professional (0.69)


The nursing staff were professional (0.60)


I received help when I needed it (0.59)


There was good collaboration between members of staff (0.44)


I was treated in a friendly way (0.40)

I was treated with respect (0.40)


I was accepted for what I was (0.39)


My fears were alleviated (0.36)


My treatment was based on my needs (0.32)

5. Staffing adequacy




There were enough members of staff (0.74)

 4.04, 3.36-4.80


The atmosphere was unhurried (0.69)

The staff had enough time for me (0.67)


The atmosphere was positive (0.50)


The staff showed just the right level of interest (0.40)

6. Pain relief




I was given understandable guidance about pain treatment (0.66)

 3.62, 2.20-4.60


My pain was also relieved with non-medical treatments (0.62)

  1. aMean, minimum-maximum score at the hospital unit level.
  2. bCronbach’s α.
  3. cEigenvalue (λ).
  4. d% of the original variability explained by the component.
  5. eComponent loading.