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Table 2 Care pathways

From: Organising health care services for people with an acquired brain injury: an overview of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials






Kwan 2004

Patients with acute stroke

I: Integrated care pathway

Death or dependency, complications, readmission, use of investigations, patient satisfaction, LOS, cost of hospitalisation, QOL

There do not appear to be benefits in the implementation of an ICP and it is possible that use is associated with reduced patient satisfaction and QOL

Design: SR

C: No integrated care pathway

Size: 10 studies


Setting: Acute


AMSTAR: 7/11


Middleton 2011

Patients with stroke

I: Integrated care pathway directed at fever, hyperglycaemia and swallowing

Death or dependency, ADL function, QOL, LOS, processes of care

Patients managed using the ICP were less likely to be dead or dependent at 90 days (42% in the intervention group vs 58% in the control group, number needed to treat 6.4)

Design: Cluster RCT

C: No integrated care pathway

Size: N = 735

Setting: Acute


PEDro: 9/10
