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Table 2 Interview topics for participants/family caregivers and health professionals

From: Participants’, caregivers’, and professionals’ experiences with a group-based rehabilitation program for Huntington’s disease: a qualitative study



Participants/family care givers

• Can you tell about your life at the moment?


• How do you perceive your own health at the moment?


• Do you have any problems related to movement, balance, nutrition or swallowing?


• Do you experience any challenges with taking the initiative?


• Do you experience any challenges with communication or behaviour?


• How did you experience the stay at the rehabilitation centre?


• What do you think about the information you got before the stay?


• Do you feel that the professionals at the centre understood you?


• Did you have a contact person?


• Was the program tailored to your wishes and goals?


• How did you experience the process of clarifying your goals?


• How was goals evaluated during the course of the programme?


• Were you involved in developing an individual plan?


• What do you think about the content of the program?


• What did you experience as most useful?


• Has the program had any impact on your life after the stay?


• What information were you given when you left the institution?


• Was information sent to others?


• What are your experiences with your municipality health care?


• Can you please tell about any follow-up from the rehabilitation institution?


• Do you experience any outcomes of the program? And if yes, what?


• How can the centre improve the program?

Health professionals

• Can you explain your role in the program?


• Can you describe the content of the program from your perspective?


• Have you any previous experience with patients with Huntington’s disease?


• How did you experience the planning phase?


• What did the team do to map participants’ challenges with motor function, problems with swallowing, social function, and nutritional and behavioural issues?


• Can you tell about processes to clarify participants’ goals for the stays?


• Did you evaluate these goals?


• Was an individual plan made?


• What are your experiences with collaborating with participants’ municipalities?


• How did you experience the program? What adjustments were made and what are the lessons learned?


• How can the program be improved?