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Table 6 Bias assessment – included studies (n = 12)

From: Quality care outcomes following transitional care interventions for older people from hospital to home: a systematic review


Risk of bias


Selection bias1

Performance bias2

Detection bias3

Attrition bias4

Reporting bias5

Other bias6

First author (year)

Random sequence generation

Allocation concealment

Blinding of participants and personnel

Blinding of outcome assessment

Incomplete outcome data

Selective reporting

Other sources of bias

Coleman (2006) [69]

Low risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Low risk

Low risk

Low risk

Enguidanos (2012) [74]

Low risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

High risk (self-efficacy, service satisfaction) Low risk (service utilisation)

Low risk

Low risk

Hansen (1995) [70]

Low risk

Unclear risk

High risk (personnel) Unclear risk (participants)

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Legrain (2011) [71]

Low risk

Low risk

High risk (personnel) Unclear risk (participants)

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Lim (2003) [76]

Low risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

McInnes (1999) [73]

Low risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Low risk (service utilisation data) Unclear risk (questionnaire data)

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Naylor (1990) [72]

Low risk

Low risk

High risk (personnel) Unclear risk (participants)

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Naylor (1994) [68]

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Naylor (1999) [77]

Low risk

Low risk

High risk (personnel) Unclear risk (participants)

Low risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Naylor (2004) [75]

Low risk

Low risk

High risk (personnel) Unclear risk (participants)

Low risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Low risk

Preen (2005) [66]

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Weinberger (1996) [67]

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

Low risk

Unclear risk

  1. 1Selection bias refers to the adequacy of randomisation processes (random sequence generation) and the adequacy of the concealment of allocation to intervention group (allocation concealment) [38].
  2. 2Performance bias is the knowledge of research participants and research staff of the interventions that participants were allocated to [38].
  3. 3Detection bias is outcome assessors’ knowledge of the interventions that participants were allocated to [38].
  4. 4Attrition bias was the potential for biased conclusions resulting from incomplete outcome data [38].
  5. 5Reporting bias referred to the selection of particular outcomes for reporting [38].
  6. 6The potential for other sources of bias (other bias) was also appraised [38].