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Table 1 Examples of codes, categories, and main themes of the qualitative analysis

From: The indispensable intermediaries: a qualitative study of informal caregivers’ struggle to achieve influence at and after hospital discharge

Transcribed text



Main theme

“My mother can’t pick up the phone to inquire about anything these days, so I’m the one who has to take over these tasks that she managed herself earlier. Because I am the only one capable of letting them [the municipality] know when something is not right.” (IC-10)

Being an informal caregiver involves looking after the older relative’s needs

Emerging dependence

Taking an active role

“It is important that I can act as a spokesperson, because she is not able to herself. [. . .] Being an intermediary sort of lies within the role, I think. It is part of the responsibility of [family members]” (IC-31)

Being an informal caregiver involves being the older relative’s spokesperson

Feelings of responsibility

“It’s difficult for them [the home nurses] too, they may communicate our wishes, but their directives are not necessarily supported or acted upon. […] They understand our situation and are attentive towards us, but ultimately they don’t make the decisions.” (IC-10)

The decisions are not made by the home nursing providers

Working with the “gatekeepers” of the health care services

Struggling to gain influence

“After her breast surgery they wanted to send her home on a Friday. Her surgical wound was still open and it was . . . well, I outright declined. I said: ‘I am leaving town for the weekend, I will not be home if she is discharged’. . .” (IC-19)

You have to be resourceful to be heard

Strategies used when participating on behalf of the care recipient

  1. 1The codes represent the quoted text in the context it appeared in the transcripts; the modified quotes used in this paper do not incorporate the full context that the code refers to.