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Table 4 Resource use and unit cost data (costs are shown in pound sterling for the year 2010–11)

From: Economic evaluation of surgical insertion of ventilation tubes for the management of persistent bilateral otitis media with effusion in children


Mean unit cost

Distribution for PSAa



Insertion of VTs


Gamma ~ (130.45, 6.83)

NSRC1b 2010–11 (HRGc code CZ08T; day case)

Minor ear procedures for ≤ 18 years old children through tympanic membrane. One procedure is assumed to insert two VTs for each child



Gamma ~ (100.11, 18.29)

NSRC1b 2010–11 (HRGc code CZ10U; day case)

Major ear procedures for ≤ 18 years old children. One procedure is assumed

Removal of VTs


Gamma ~ (130.45, 6.83)

NSRC1b 2010–11 (HRGc code CZ08T; day case)

Minor ear procedures for ≤ 18 years old children through tympanic membrane. One procedure is assumed to remove one or two VTs for each child




GDGd estimate [7] was inflated based on the HCHSe index 2010–11 (PSSRUf)

Each child needs two HAs due to bilateral condition




GDGd estimate [7] was inflated based on the HCHSe index 2010–11 (PSSRUf)

Each child needs two ear-moulds in every 13 weeks[7]

Maintenance kit for HAs



Cost of buying a maintenance kit for the HAs. This cost incurs once

Batteries for HAs



Batteries need to be replaced every 4 weeks[7]

HAs fitting


Gamma ~ (71.03, 1.07)

NHS Reference Costs (2005–06) (Service code AS1FA) was inflated based on the HCHSe index 2010–11 (PSSRUf)

Fitting of HAs in an audiology department. One procedure is assumed to fit two HAs for each child due to bilateral OME. This cost incurs again when a child looses or breaks his/her HAs[7]




GDGd estimate [7] was inflated based on the HCHSe index 2010–11 (PSSRUf)

Cost for a course of antibiotic or eardrop due to otorrhoea, granulation and/or AOM. One course is assumed[7]

GP visit


Gamma ~ (341.67, 0.12)

PSSRUf (unit costs of health and social care 2010–11)

GP visit fee for otorrhoea, granulations and/or AOM. Children who suffer from otorrhoea and/or granulation (see Table 1 ) are assumed to make the visit. On the other hand, 2.8 visits per year are assumed for children in the HAs strategy[8, 32, 33]

Audio-logical assessment


Gamma ~ (64, 0.75)

NHS Reference Costs (2005–06) (Service code AS1FU) was inflated based on the HCHSe index 2010–11 (PSSRUf)

One or two visit(s) following a surgery[7]. One visit within 13 weeks and subsequent visits every 26 weeks thereafter for the HAs strategy[7]

ENT visit


Gamma ~ (84.14, 1.09)

NSRC1b 2010–11 (Service code 120)

One visit within 6 weeks of a surgery and subsequent visits every 26 weeks thereafter until the time of extrusion[7]. One or two visit(s) per year[34, 35]for the HAs strategy

  1. aCost data were sampled between the reported lower and upper quartile values.
  2. bNHS Reference Costs 2010–11 (Appendix NSRC1).
  3. cHealthcare Resource Groups.
  4. dGuideline Development Group [7].
  5. eHospital and Community Health Services.
  6. fPersonal Social Services Research Unit.