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Table 1 List of disease groups and definitions

From: The relationship between number of primary health care visits and hospitalisations: evidence from linked clinic and hospital data for remote Indigenous Australians

Disease group

Primary care ICPC codes

Hospital AR-DRG codes


F83, T87, T88, T89, T90

F11A, F11B, F13Z, K01Z, K60A, K60B

Ischaemic heart disease

K74, K75, K76, K89

F08A, F08B, F14A, F14B, F14C, F12Z, F01A, F01B, F02Z, F66A, F66B, F74Z, F72A, F72B, F05A, F05B, F06A, F06B, F17Z, F18Z


R91, R95

E65A, E65B, E69A, E69B, E69C

Renal disease

U88, U90, U95

L65A, L65B, L67A, L67B, L67C, A09A, A09B, L02A, L02B, L60A, L60B, L60C, L61Z


F83, K85, K86, K87

F67A, F67B

Rheumatic heart disease

K71, K83, L88

F69A, F69B, I66A, I66B, F75A, F75B, F75C, F03Z, F04A, F04B

Respiratory infection (age < 15 years)

R05, R71, R74, R78, R79, R81, R83

E62A, E62B, E62C, E69A, E69B, E69C, E70A, E70B

Gastroenteritis (age < 15 years)

D11, D70, D73, D94

G67A, G67B, G68A, G68B

Malnutrition (age < 15 years)

T10, T91, B80, B82

K61Z, Q61A, Q61B, Q61C

Otitis media (age < 15 years)

H70, H71, H72, H73, H74

D63A, D63B

Dental caries (age < 15 years)

D19, D82

D40Z, D67Z

  1. Notes: AR-DRG = Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ICPC = International Classification of Primary Care.