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Table 1 Infant data collection and guidelines

From: Adherence to management guidelines for growth faltering and anaemia in remote dwelling Australian Aboriginal infants and barriers to health service delivery

Anaemia diagnosis criteria

Haemoglobin (Hb) <110g/dl

Anaemia monitoring

Recorded Hb between 6–12 months

Hb at 1st diagnosis of anaemia

Age and weight at 1st diagnosis

Treatment guidelines for anaemia

Dietary advice

Albendazole (parasite) treatment: (given for 3 days)

Iron treatment: (Type of treatment, number of intramuscular doses)

Folate for Hb <9gm/dl

Follow up haemoglobin after 4 weeks

Poor growth/ growth faltering criteria

A child is not growing well if their plotted weight does not follow the shape and direction of the centile growth curves on the growth charts of if there has been no weight increase for:


Time of no weight increase

<2 months

2 weeks

2-5 months

1 month

6 months to <3 years

2 months

Growth monitoring

Record of ‘Road to Health’ chart

Record of Growth Action and Assessment (GAA) form (used for recording of Hb, weight, height and head circumference)


Number and timing of GAA visits

Weight, height and head circumference at each GAA visit

Treatment guidelines for growth faltering

Where growth faltering identified, intervention recorded:

Additional growth monitoring

Nutritional education

Supplemental food for growth catch up

Medical checklist

Paediatric referral

District Medical Officer (DMO) referral

Growth Action Plan*

Community support services (e.g.: community/early childhood programs that support child health, feeding programs, referral to family support workers)

Vitamin A

Hospitalisation for failure to thrive


Family meeting

  1. *A Growth Action Plan was designed for implementation by the clinicians to ensure timely and appropriate interventions for the infant as soon as growth faltering was detected.