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Table 2 Patient characteristics in the twelve months following the visit to the study physician

From: Do physician communication skills influence screening mammography utilization?

Patient Characteristics

N = 96 708


mean (SD)

Age, in years

57.2 (5.8)

Percent with high school diploma

31.8 (13.0)

Family income (in Canadian dollars)

51 063 (23 116)

Patient region

No. (%)


11 410 (11.8)


85 298 (88.2)

Health Status

No. (%)

Charlson Comorbidity Index



73 507 (76.0)


20 896 (21.6)


1 530 (1.6)


775 (0.8)

Hospitalization in past year


 No hospitalization

79 879 (82.6)

 1 hospitalization

8 600 (8.9)

 ≥ 2 hospitalizations

8 229 (8.5)

Breast Related Health Care

No. (%)

Breast biopsy in past year


 No biopsy

95 918 (99.2)


790 (0.8)

Mammogram in past year



70 089 (72.5)


26 619 (27.5)

Provincial self-referral screening program available



46 841 (48.4)


49 867 (51.6)