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Table 2 Estimated proportion of people experiencing at least one event of GI, respiratory or dermal symptoms in a year and relevant estimated care seeking pattern (n = 1237)*

From: Community based study to compare the incidence and health services utilization pyramid for gastrointestinal, respiratory and dermal symptoms

Disease symptoms and characteristics of participants

GI symptoms % (95% CI)

Respiratory symptoms % (95% CI)

Dermal symptoms % (95% CI)

Proportion of study participants with symptoms


Age category (years)


≤5 years

81 (74, 87)

97 (94, 99)

53 (43, 63)

>5 to ≤15 years

54 (49, 60)

93 (90, 96)

31 (26, 36)

>15 years

48 (43, 53)

87 (83, 90)

18 (15, 22)


54 (50, 58)

91 (88, 93)

27 (24, 30)

Proportion of study participants who visited a doctor


≤5 years

38 (28, 48)

62 (51, 72)

24 (15, 32)

>5 to ≤15 years

14 (11, 18)

24 (20, 29)

12 (8, 15)

>15 years

11 (8, 14)

24 (20, 28)

6 (3, 8)


15 (13, 18)

29 (25, 32)

10 (9, 12)

Proportion of study participants who were hospitalized

2 (1, 3)

2 (1, 3)

0.2 (0.01, 0.1)

Proportion of study participants who took time off school/work/child care or who were unable to carry out normal duties

32 (29, 36)

52 (48, 56)

6 (4, 7)

Proportion of events for which a family member took time off work/school to care for the sick person

16 (13, 19)

21 (18, 24)

3 (2, 4)

  1. *Because of dropouts the number of observations varied from 1237 to 1228.