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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Clinicians’ and patients’ views of metrics of change derived from patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for comparing providers’ performance of surgery

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Uses one of five PROMs (EQ-5D on its own or supplemented by EuroQol VAS; OHS; OKS; AVVQ) as a study outcome

Focus is not on using instruments but assessing if we should use them at all (i.e. review of instruments, assessing psychometric properties, reliability etc.)

Reports change in PROM at two or more time points: At title screen: possible focus on included instrument and measuring change. At abstract screen: focus on included instrument and measuring change. At full-text screen: describes analyses of change using included instrument

Focus is not on included instruments, these must be used as a study outcome (i.e. EQ-5D used in QALY outcomes, and analyses using only EuroQol VAS are excluded)

Peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed literature

Published in foreign language and or no existing English translation