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Table 2 Treatments models offered and settings in which services run according to SSS managers (n = 58)

From: Translating evidence-based guidelines into practice: a survey of practices of commissioners and managers of the English stop smoking services

Treatment models offereda

% (n)

One-to-one appointments

98 (57)

Telephone advice/counselling

90 (52)

Home visits

83 (48)

Self-help materials

79 (46)

One-to-one drop-in sessions

78 (45)

Closed group programmes

69 (40)

Rolling group programmes

69 (40)

Peer led sessions

14 (8)

Settings in which services run a b


Primary care settings

93 (54)


90 (52)

Secondary health care settings (e.g. hospitals)

88 (51)

Voluntary sector/Local Authority premises

86 (50)


86 (50)

Commercially rented venues

60 (35)

Central base exclusive to SSS

43 (25)

Availability of medications (first line)


Nicotine Replacement Therapy

100 (49)

Varenicline (Champix)

86 (42)

Bupropion (Zyban)

84 (41)

All medications

84 (41)

  1. a Participants could choose more than one category.
  2. b Groups can be ‘open (rolling)’ or ‘closed’; open groups are open to new members at each session, i.e. individuals within the same group will be at different points in their quit attempt and have different quit dates. A closed group in contrast is a group in which all members start their quit attempt together and new members cannot join after the first meeting. Drop-ins differ from one-to-one support in that they operate without fixed appointments and number and timings of sessions are less fixed (3).