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Table 1 Eligibility criteria, exclusion criteria, and required period for preventive service provision

From: Measuring data reliability for preventive services in electronic medical records


Eligible population

Exclusion criteria

Required period for service provision*

Pap smears

Enrolled women age 35 to 69

Previous hysterectomy

Documented service within the past 30 months prior to March 31st

Screening mammograms

Enrolled women age 50 to 69

History of breast cancer

Documented service within the past 30 months prior to March 31st

Influenza vaccination

Enrolled patients age 65 or over


Documented service from October 1st to December 31st of previous year

Fecal occult blood test

Enrolled patients age 50 to 74

History of colorectal cancer; history of inflammatory bowel disease; colonoscopy within the past five years

Documented service in the past 30 months prior to March 31st

  1. *The fiscal year end in Ontario’s health care system is March 31st. For example, March 31st 2007 would be considered the 2006 year end, and March 31st 2008 would be considered the 2007 year end.