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Table 1 Established thresholds for the telemonitored parameters.

From: Assessment of a primary care-based telemonitoring intervention for home care patients with heart failure and chronic lung disease. The TELBIL study

Telemonitored parameters

Established threshold values


< 12 or >24 breaths per minute (bpm)


< 50 or >100 beats per minute (bpm)

Systolic blood pressure

< 100 or >160 millimeters of mercury (mmHg)

Diastolic blood pressure,

< 60 or >95 millimeters of mercury (mmHg)

Oxygen saturation

< 95% (this is a frequently adjusted limit for patients with CLD)


> 37°C


Should be notified if there is an increase of 1 Kg in three days

Qualitative questionnaire

Negative answers to the questionnaire which correspond to: feeling worse, breathing difficulties, increased nocturia, oedema, worsening of cough, increased sputum production and a change in sputum colour