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Table 1 Description of dependent variables

From: Is the maturity of hospitals' quality improvement systems associated with measures of quality and patient safety?



Risk adjustment

Adjusted hospital mortality index*

The number of deaths observed in the unit of analysis divided by the number of expected deaths.

Age, sex, risk of death for first diagnostic code, risk of death for second diagnostic code with maximum risk, risk of death for the procedure with maximum risk, type of admission (urgent/non-urgent), type of DRG (surgical/non-surgical), type of hospital (teaching/non- teaching hospital), hospital service contract (Public or Private), catchment area (urban/rural) and transfer policies of the hospital to long-term care.

Adjusted hospital complications index*, **

Complications that occur during the hospital stay divided by expected complications, including sentinel events and risk-adjusted complications.*

Age, risk of complications of the first diagnostic code, risk of complication of secondary code with maximum risk, risk of procedure with maximum risk, type of admission, type of DRG, type of hospital (teaching/non- teaching hospital), hospital service contract (Public or Private), and number of diagnostics for discharge.

Adjusted hospital readmissions index*

Readmission rates up to 30 days from first admission of a patient with readmission registered as urgent divided by expected readmissions.

Age, sex, type of admission, probability of readmission of the first diagnostic code of the initial admission, probability of readmission of the second diagnostic code with maximum risk of readmission, probability of readmission for procedure with maximum risk, average length of stay of initial admission, entity financing first admission, type of DRG, type of hospital (teaching/non- teaching hospital), hospital service contract (Public or Private).

Adjusted hospital length of stay index*

Sum of bed days consumed for each of the episodes in the unit of analysis divided by the sum of bed days expected for these episodes.

Age, sex, bed days expected for first diagnostic code, bed days expected for second diagnostic code, bed days expected for the procedure, type of admission, type of DRG, type of hospital (teaching/non- teaching hospital), catchment area (urban/rural), type of discharge hospital and hospital service contract (Public or Private),.

  1. *values of the statistical models are reported in Additional File 2 Annex 1.
  2. **see Additional File 1 Annex 1 for a full list of complications included.