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Table 2 Quality assessment criteria by study type

From: A systematic review of integrated working between care homes and health care services

Randomised controlled trials all scored as Yes/No/Unclear

Sequence generation

Was the allocation sequence adequately generated?

Allocation concealment

Was allocation adequately concealed?


Was knowledge of the allocation intervention adequately concealed from outcome assessors?

Incomplete outcome data-

Was this adequately addressed for each outcome?

Selective outcome reporting

Are reports of the study free of suggestion of selective outcome reporting?

Controlled studies (without randomisation) all scored as Yes/No/Unclear

Baseline results reported

Were baseline results reported for each group?

Groups balanced at baseline

Were there any significant differences in the groups at baseline?


Was knowledge of the allocation intervention adequately concealed from outcome assessors?

Incomplete outcome data-

Was this adequately addressed for each outcome?

Selective outcome reporting

Are reports of the study free of suggestion of selective outcome reporting?

Qualitative studies - Scored as fully or mostly, partly or not at all

Scope and purpose

e.g. clearly stated question, clear outline of theoretical framework


e.g. discussion of why particular approach/methods chosen


e.g. adequate description of sample used and how sample identified and recruited

Data collection

e.g. systematic documentation of tools/guides/researcher role, recording methods explicit


e.g. documentation of analytic tools/methods used, evidence of rigorous/systematic analysis

Reliability and validity

e.g. presentation of original data, how categories/concepts/themes developed and were they checked by more than one author, interpretation, how theories developed


e.g. sufficient evidence for generalisability or limits made clear by author


e.g. provides evidence that resonates with other knowledge, results/conclusions supported by evidence