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Table 3 Type of health facility (HF) and provision of HIV information at the first antenatal care visit among women who had their first HIV test before 34 weeks and after 34 weeks gestation.

From: Early uptake of HIV counseling and testing among pregnant women at different levels of health facilities - experiences from a community-based study in Northern Vietnam


Timing of first HIV test

< 34 weeks vs >34 weeks

Crude ORs


Tested < 34 weeksn (%)

Tested >34 weeksn (%)


Types of HF for HIV test (N = 1000)

781 (78.1)

219 (21.9)


Primary HFs

428 (98.6)

6 (1.4)

43.2 (18.9.-98.1)

Higher level HFs

353 (62.4)

213 (37.6)


The provision of HIV information

at the 1 st antenatal care visit (N = 913*)

725 (79.5)

188 (20.5)



483 (73.5)

174 (26.5)

6.2 (3.5 - 11.0)


242 (94.5)

14 (5.5)


  1. * Number of the women who had HIV test and antenatal care during their pregnancies