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Table 1 Fulfilment of the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol criteria by 3,050 subjects admitted to the medical admission units

From: The characteristics and prognosis of patients fulfilling the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol in a medical admission unit; a prospective observational study


n (%)

Surgery or other procedure in 24 hours requiring

12 (0.4%)

1. General/regional anaesthesia; and/or


2. Equipment or other facilities only for inpatients


Vital signs monitoring at least every 2 hours

336 (11.0%)

Intravenous medication and/or fluid replacement

1,451 (47.6%)

- medication

954 (31.3%)

- fluid replacement

497 (16.3%)

Observation for toxic reaction to medication

225 (7.4%)

Continuous or intermittent (at least every 8 hours) respiratory assistance

178 (5.8%)

Severe electrolyte or blood gas abnormality

381 (12.5%)

Acute loss of sight or hearing

0 (0.0%)

Acute loss of ability to move any body part

0 (0.0%)

Persistent fever > 38.0°C for more than 5 days

98 (3.2%)

Active bleeding

2 (0.1%)

Wound dehiscence or evisceration

0 (0.0%)

Pulse rate

96 (3.1%)

Blood pressure

363 (11.9%)

Sudden onset of unconsciousness

117 (3.8%)

ECG evidence of acute ischemia

92 (3.0%)


1,889 (61.9%)