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Table 6 Barriers to carrying out action points

From: Residents' intentions and actions after patient safety education

Level, n (%)


Mentioned, n (%)

Individual Professional,

25 (26%)

Doubts about usefulness/Loss of motivation

6 (6%)


Action point forgotten

5 (5%)


Don't want to be initiator for changes

5 (5%)


Experienced no problems anymore

4 (4%)


Hard to break through routines/People are fallible

4 (4%)


Formulation of action point was demanded

1 (1%)

Social context,

33 (35%)

Impeding attitude colleagues

16 (16%)


Hierarchy/Dependency on supervisors

10 (10%)


Poor communication with colleagues

4 (4%)


Poor accessibility of colleagues

3 (3%)

Organizational Context,

40 (43%)

High work-pressure

18 (18%)


Switching of work stations

10 (10%)


Hugeness of organization/Bureaucracy

7 (7%)


ICT problems/Limited user-friendliness of reporting system

3 (3%)


Residents' short working period at a department

2 (2%)